Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy was last updated on 1/22/24.

What personal information do we collect?

When ordering or registering on our site, as appropriate, you may be asked to enter your:

  • Name

  • Email address

  • Phone number

  • Property address

  • Property information

  • Other details to help you with your experience

When do we collect information?

We collect information from you when you:

  • Fill out a form

  • Enter information on our site

How do we use your information?

We may use the information we collect for the following purposes:

  • To follow up with you after correspondence (live chat, email, and text/call)

  • To provide personalized user experiences

  • To improve our website based on your feedback

  • To send periodic emails regarding your order or other products and services

How do we protect your information?

We take the following measures to protect your information:

  • We do not use vulnerability scanning and/or scanning to PCI standards

  • We only provide articles and information; we never ask for credit card numbers

  • We use regular malware scanning

Do we use ‘cookies’?

We do not use cookies for tracking purposes. You can choose to have your computer warn you each time a cookie is being sent or turn off all cookies through your browser settings.

Do we disclose information to third parties?

We do not sell, trade, or otherwise transfer your Personally Identifiable Information to outside parties.

Third-party Links

We do not include or offer third-party products or services on our website.

Google Analytics and Advertising

We may use Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google Inc., to analyze how users interact with our website. Google Analytics uses cookies to collect information such as your IP address, the time of your visit, whether you are a returning visitor, and the source from which you accessed our site.

We may also engage in online advertising, and as part of that, we may use Google AdWords or other advertising platforms. These services may utilize cookies or similar tracking technologies to serve ads based on your past visits to our website.

While we strive to provide a positive user experience, it's important to note that we have not enabled Google AdSense on our site. However, we may choose to do so in the future.

To understand how Google uses data collected through our use of their services, please refer to Google's privacy policies:

  • Google's Privacy & Terms

  • Google AdWords Policies

California Online Privacy Protection Act (CalOPPA)

CalOPPA requires commercial websites and online services to post a privacy policy. Users can visit our site anonymously. Our Privacy Policy link includes the word ‘Privacy’ and can easily be found on our home page. You will be notified of any Privacy Policy changes on our Privacy Policy Page.

COPPA (Children Online Privacy Protection Act)

When it comes to the collection of personal information from children under the age of 13 years old, the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) puts parents in control. The Federal Trade Commission, the United States Consumer Protection Agency, enforce the COPPA Rule, which spells out what operators of websites and online services must do to protect children’s privacy and safety online.

We do not specifically market to children under the age of 13 years old. In compliance with COPPA, we take special care in handling information related to individuals under the age of 13. If we unintentionally collect personal information from a child under 13, we will take prompt steps to delete that information from our records.

Parents or legal guardians can review, change, or delete the personal information of their children that we have collected. If you believe that we might have any information from or about a child under 13, please contact us.

Fair Information Practices

The Fair Information Practices Principles form the backbone of privacy law in the United States and the concepts they include have played a significant role in the development of data protection laws around the globe. Understanding the Fair Information Practice Principles and how they should be implemented is critical to complying with the various privacy laws that protect personal information.

In order to be in line with Fair Information Practices, we will take the following responsive action, should a data breach occur:

  • Notification: We will notify you via email within 7 business days if a data breach occurs.

  • Individual Redress Principle: We agree to the Individual Redress Principle, which requires that individuals have the right to legally pursue enforceable rights against data collectors and processors who fail to adhere to the law. This principle ensures that individuals not only have enforceable rights against data users but also have recourse to courts or government agencies to investigate and/or prosecute non-compliance by data processors.

We are committed to upholding the principles of transparency and accountability in our data practices. If you have any concerns or questions regarding the protection of your personal information, please contact us at [Your Contact Information].


We collect your email address to send information and respond to inquiries, and/or other requests or questions. To comply with CANSPAM, we do not use false or misleading subjects or email addresses, identify messages as advertisements, include the physical address of our business, monitor third-party email marketing services for compliance, and honor opt-out/unsubscribe requests.

Contacting Us

If there are any questions regarding this privacy policy, you may contact us using the information below:

Visit our Contact Us Page

(916) 507-1881